Man, I've been glued to this election. All the talking heads are running at full throttle, and everyone has something to say.
At the end of many of these articles and blogs one can find the reader comments. It's amazing - these folks skirmish, debate, and establish a plan for the world in this section, and after a while, the article is almost of secondary importance.
I say almost because the comments are useless. I've published some online articles on different subjects, and I'm tellin' you, folks go all out. Just bop on over to YouTube - you'll see they've invented new forms of profanity. It's quite amazing.
The phenomenon of anonymity in the age of the internet has created quite a market for armchair politicians and cowards who wouldn't dare talk like that in real life.
Of course, the concept of debating and besting your friends in a political discussion has certainly not gone away. Folks use this to "prove themselves." However, unless a.) you live in a swing state, and b.) your friend is a voter, it's a waste of energy to push 'em around. If they're engaging in verbal combat with you, they're going to vote their way anyway, perhaps just to spite you! Believe it or not, I hate talking politics with folks. I don't like debating. Maybe that's why I like to blog, and canvas.
I suggest that you redirect that time and energy to get out and hit the pavement for your cause. I was out canvasing yesterday, and I got to talking to a very nice fella who will probably vote for John McCain, and thinks that Sarah Palin can get on the job training. So we obviously weren't eye-to-eye on a lot of things. However, I encouraged him to get out to a McCain field office, pick up a packet, and start knocking on doors. I told him I consider it vital for everyone to be involved. It is our country, not Exxon's or Wachovia's.
Start a blog. Have a real conversation, not a debate, with undecided friends who want help choosing which candidate to vote for. Sign up to volunteer for a measly few hours at a local field office of your favorite candidate. Knock on doors. Make it happen!