Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Palin and Ozzy Osbourne

I was talking politics with my brother the other day, and he made the remark "if McCain wins, we're gonna have another really good calendar."

He's referring to the various daily calendars with George W. Bush quotes. I had one of those a few years ago, and man, that thing was funny! For example, Dubya used a pitbull analogy, too. "I am a pitbull on the pant leg of Opportunity."

Of course, looking past partisanship, if Obama wins, I'm sure Biden will provide us with plenty of fodder for printing purposes.

The politicians of the past few years certainly keep business booming for the quote-meisters, and that's "kinda weird, bro."

And here's the thing that worries me the most. Communication is vital for a world leader. If Sarah Palin can't string a sentence together coherently on the campaign trail, how would she in a high-pressure situation? While national television might be a bit unnerving, the worst that happens is you end your bid for the White House. But, a slip-up by a vice president, or president in negotiating say, oh, a war, could be catostrophic. But hey, at least Alaska will get it first! The Russians practically have a landing strip built there, right?

For some reason, Ms. Palin's performance during her interview with Ms. Couric reminds me strangely of Ozzy Osbourne, minus the bats and profanities.

Can't you just see this?

COURIC: Mr Osbourne, as Governor of Alaxka, You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

Osbourne: ****, Katie! That **** Alaska **** has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, uhhhhhh, and uhhhhhh.******* the land-- boundary that we have with-- ****Canada. It--***** it's funny that a comment like that was--***** kind of made to-- cari-*****- I don't know, you know? Reporters--****


One more thing - what happened to the fact that presidents are supposed to act presidential? I was talking to a friend, and he was complaing that "everyone likes Obama, he speaks well, he acts well, he knows his stuff, he has a huge following..."


That's why I'm voting for him! Someone needs to repair America's reputation, and I don't think calendar sales will do that.