Hey there -
I'd like to remind you that if you haven't yet, please please please register to vote. It's crucial. Especially if you live in a Swing Sate - That's a state where the election is up in there air, and nobody knows if it will go Republican or Democrat.
I'd also like to encourage you to register as a Democrat. I'm one, and while I associate more with the greens and independents, I consider the McCain-Palin ticket to be truly scary, and the Obama-Biden one to be rockin' awesome. This isn't 2004, and this isn't John Kerry that we're doing our best to rally around.
It's our chance for change, a chance to put the brakes on the Earth's fever of global warming, to bring prosperity back to America, because let's face it, the Economy sucks! If John McCain votes with George W. Bush 90% of the time, that's not the remedy for a sick enconomy. Plus, the fella even joked that he doesn't really know what he's doing with the economy, and he was reading Greenspan's book to educate himself. A+ for continuing education, but talk about on the job training...!
Get out there and register! And get out there, stand up, be counted, and vote.
By the way, let's say you're, oh, I don't know, a McCain supporter? Get out thre, register, and vote! If you believe in a cause, make it happen. The American political system is broken partly by our apathy. Make it happen the way you want it to happen.
I want you to write me on November 5th asking me how you can scrapbook the "I Voted" sticker because you realized how important it is.
Action to take: Visit www.rockthevote.com and register.