A letter to the editor
Change. It's the new buzzword, and has reached a fever pitch as the presidential race enters it's final stretch. Let's hope somebody's right about their claim to be it's champion, because America could use a good dose.
I'm a business owner in my early twenties who's moved to a very centrist political view over the past five years. Partisan politics turns my stomach, and while I care deeply about social and environmental issues, I'm very concerned with commerce. The pitiful state of the economy has my rather conservative investment portfolios suffering greatly, my business isn't growing as fast as it should, and inflation is cutting into my margins. Plus, the idealistic problems of my earlier years haven't vanished - to the contrary! Among the throng, climate change stands out. Global warming poses a tremendous threat, not just to obscure green spaces, but to business itself. Severe storms, rising seas, and more unforeseen circumstances abound, and encroach dangerously close to profits.
In short, these are difficult times,affecting each and every one of us. That's why I'm voting for Barack Obama - As a citizen, business owner, and voter, I believe he has the vision to bring about the change America so desperately needs on a multitude of fronts. It's not the time to vote on party lines. It's time to vote for the economic, environmental, political, and social change that we need.